Wednesday, October 28, 2020


 Kia Ora bloggers

Today ill be showing you about my museum trip and what we did and what I learnt. In the museum trip we went into the museum and had to put our bags away, Then we had a parent show us and lead us around the museum. Something I learned was our parent that was leading us was in the army but he retried and showed us a picture of him in the army. My favourite part was playing this game that was really fun. You play it like you are in a plane, and you had to press a button that would take a screenshot and you would have to go around the world and press the screenshot button when you were there. If you miss it you would have to back and do it again. 

Something I was wondering is since we saw dinosaur bones could we sill find them underground in 2020.

This was my trip about the museum, Comment down below if you have ever went to the museum and if you have not then say what you would do if you did go to the museum.