Monday, November 9, 2020

Digital Ignition

 Hello bloggers today I will be showing you what I learn in Digital ignition.
In Digital Ignition I learnt that there is something called a roonba and a roonba is a robot vacuum that goes a around the house and you can program it to go place, It might be to your room then go to your parents room or it can be programmed to just go around your living room to clean.\

I enjoyed playing this and called Makers Emiper. The app is about making/creating Humans,Shapes,Trolls and loads more, you can change there body and there height, Make your own shapes and much more.

What I found challenging was trying to program this small robot that you can program to move back found side and even spin if you program it. You can also restart it and have turns with your friends and make it keep on going straight

I think we should get Maker Emiper in out class because it makes us more creative and we get to have fun. I also think it would we good if we done all our work and then we can just go on Maker Emiper because we get to make our own shapes and humans and we get to make a creature.